Vital statistics
- Retired (depending on one's definition of that word)
- Agreed to marry Ken in 1991. They married in Tucson, AZ in 1992. Here's proof.
- Three kids
- Born in Mexico. Dual citizen of Mexico and USA.
- Lives in California
Random factoids
- Taught high school English in Tucson
- Served on two school boards
- Brilliant writer. For proof, see the blog links below.
- Case of acrophobia
- ...
How Jennifer spends her time
- Board member, The Bay School of San Francisco (Bay)
- Volunteer work:
- Volunteer, Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS)
- Group leader, Marin Morning (weekly except summers)
- At any point in time, probably involved at Marin Covenant Church in a couple of capacities (committee member, program leader, etc.)
- Reading, book club and reading. Then reads some more.
- Board member, Kroner Family Foundation (KFF)
- Runs all the Kroner family operations (contractors, accountants, cleaners, etc.)
- Daily exercise
Jennifer's favorites
- Movies:
- Activity: Reading in bed
- Vacation destination: London
- Books: Harry Potter or anything written by C.S. Lewis
- Restaurant: Anything Mexican
- Food: Pizza
- Sport: Crew
Yes, she really did this...
Made Rob throw plate of shrimp
Jennifer's writing
Jennifer is a gifted writer, and recently started posting the occasional blog. Click on the blog image to the left to see samples of her writing.
Click here for Jennifer's blog website. Alternatively, here are some writings:
- Concert Mom
- Sample #2