

Vital statistics

  • Educational background
    • High school: The Bay School of San Francisco (San Francisco, CA), graduated 2016
    • College: St. Olaf College (Northfield, Minnesota); started in 2016.
  • Parents:
  • Two siblings:
    • Ryan, two years older than Sammy
    • Amber, five years younger than Ryan
  • Born in California. Dual citizen of USA and Canada.
  • Lives in Northfield MN (during the academic year) and San Rafael, CA (rest of year)
Vital statistics image
Factoid image

Random factoids

  • "I have three names: Sam, Sammy and Samuel. But you can call me Sammy."
  • not a huge fan of President Trump
  • ...

How Sammy spends his time

...when he's not studying

  • Playing video games (Link here?)
  • Watching movies
  • ...
  • Getting into shape and staying in shape:
    • Crew club at St. Olaf College
    • Thinks of excercise almost every day
Spend time cartoon
Favorites star

Sammy's favorites

  • Movies: Empire of the Sun
    Empire of the Sun movie poster
    , Lord of the Rings (extended edition)
    Lord of the Rings movie poster
    , Up
    Up movie poster
    , John Wick
    John Wick movie poster
  • Food: Hamburger Gravy
  • Activity: Reading by the pool
  • Books: Stormlight Archive, or anything by Brandon Sanderson
  • Restaurant: Lococos
  • Meal:
    • Anything from Chipotle
    • Can of Dr. Pepper
  • Sport: Baseball -- It's really boring so it's easy to relax and socialize instead of paying attention to the game
  • City (outside of Northern California): London

Yes, he really did this...

Right before writing this I found out that interim class registration just closed, and I was planning on registering today. Looks like I'll have to go down to the registration office...

Stupid cartoon
